Thursday, May 5, 2011

Black and White Wednesdays: Barack Obama

Since I am still experiencing some problems with my computer, I do not have access to my personal photographs, but my friend Russell, pointing me in the direction of some oldie- but goodie- black and white shots that I saw in Rolling Stone a couple years back. So enjoy these black and white ones while next week I'll get you back on track with my black and white photographs.
Barack Obama, 1980. Pho­tos by Lisa Jack /​ M+B Gallery. 
My favorite of all of these. Such a great candid photo with interesting lighting.
This is a very close second favorite. Great emotion from this picture and it seems like I've seen a similar pose from our President many times in recent photographs. Perfection.

Head over to the website I grabbed these from to see the rest of the photos.


1 comment:

Russell said...

Glad you enjoyed. Your favorite one happens to be mine and it is currently hanging in my studio.