Monday, November 21, 2011

12 Days of Thankfulness: Well Made Videos

Sitting at a computer for most of the day allows for YouTube videos and others to land on my double monitors. Sometimes I need a little motivation to keep working through the day. As I am not a coffee drinker, I typically look for something else to give me some energy or excitement.
Very often I find myself watching a YouTube video to grab my attention for a bit. So for this post, I am thankful for videos that produce some emotion and are a cut above the regular Tosh.0/America's Funniest Home Videos/viral garbage out there. In the world of Google and YouTube, there is plenty to be distracted by, so why not make it meaningful and interesting: whether it be well designed/directed short films, great eye catching trailers, interesting music videos, or simply something that you get a truly genuine emotion out of rather than your average "laugh at that person fall off a bicycle" reaction. Just as I look for my photography to create an emotion, I look for artists to do so with video.
So is a list of some of my favorite videos recently:

Bangkok By Night: My friend Cole, who is currently teaching in Bangkok at my old employer, has a knack for catching the everyday nightlife of the great capital of Thailand. He captures the speed yet laid back feel that Bangkok has when the city lights turn on. The nostalgia is incredibly powerful with this video he made.

Adidas Commercial: A recent Adidas commercial that I found online is one that I wish I made myself. Not only does it capture the beauty of the so-called "beautiful game" but it tells a story. It has Germany's national soccer team during their training on the pitch. It immediately reminded me of Coldplay's "The Scientist" music video which is below.

Coldplay - "The Scientist": A powerful video with a great message with an different stlye of storyline, very cool.

Kid Cudi- "Make Her Say": Moving onto some more great music videos: One of my favorite artists, Kid Cudi, has one of the best composed videos with tremendous cinematography. The split screen allows for a wide variety of angles and line designs. Every frame has excellent photographic composition and gorgeous color themes. Plus the song is pretty great as well.

Bon Iver - "Holocene": Speaking of great music, another fantastic artist, Bon Iver, does not have the complete mainstream music and rarely makes music videos but when I saw that he teamed up with my favorite magazine National Geographic with an HD music video for the song "Holocene" off of the newest album. The truly stunning setting of Iceland makes the eerily soft and desolate sounds of Bon Iver a perfect pairing. As I have mentioned before, if you can collaborate my passions of music, photography, travel, and writing, I am a happy person. So here you have it.

Another Earth film trailer: Lastly, a truly touching movie that every person must watch. It needs no introductions other than a suggestion to watch the trailer. As a marketer, this trailer does precisely what it's supposed to do, keep you interesting, riveted and and interested in watching the film. Any way you can find a way to watch this indie film, I highly recommend doing so.

Hopefully these films didn't take up too much of your day, or perhaps they took up just enough of your work day. Either way, enjoy all of them because I know I have appreciated them all.

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